Generator. - Here is Electronic Project : DDS Generator, Based on Smart TFT Module, AD9834, LM7171 Fast Amplifier.
The homemade function generator is a quite common project on the internet. We can find different ways to do it:
- The quick & dirty way based on a DDS module bought on eBay
- The analog version based on a MAX038 / XR2206
- The “clean” way based on a FPGA and a fast DAC (e.g.
- The software way (e.g. Arduino + R/2R DAC)
From my side, I wanted a small one which could fits my needs without being too expensive. According to me, such generator should at least:
- Be easy to use
- Output a signal from 1Vpp to 10Vpp (+/-5V), from 0 to 1MHz
- Have a low profile
- Without electric hazard (shall work on a 12V DC)
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